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Zebra Bites Zookeeper! Attack Literally Scares Nearby Gazelle To Death!

Zebra Bites Zookeeper! Attack Literally Scares Nearby Gazelle To Death!

A zookeeper was attacked by a zebra so violently it literally scared a gazelle to death!!
Wow this is so crazy and pretty sad!!
A veteran zookeeper was attacked and bitten several times by a zebra at the National Zoo a few days ago.
The zookeeper was okay, but bleeding pretty badly (check out the blood covered zebra above, the red stain on his shoulders). The attack must’ve been intense.
All the commotion must’ve scared a young gazelle in an adjoining enclosure because he ran away super fast, sprinting headfirst into a wall.
Sadly, the gazelle died of his injuries!
A necropsy found that the poor little guy died of a fractured vertebrae.
What’s awful is none of this should’ve happened in the first place.
It’s against zoo procedures to have a keeper inside the enclosure with the animals, so the zoo is working out why that was allowed to happen.
The worst part is the gazelle was a Dama’s gazelle which is a critically endangered species!
Poor little guy! We’re glad the zookeeper is okay, but kinda hope he changes careers after a big mess up like this!
[Image via Kristi King.]

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Nov 20, 2013 17:29pm PDT

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