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Camera Catches Brave Moment A 9-Year-Old Boy Saved His Entire Family From Their Burning Home!

Camera Catches The Brave Moment A 9-Year-Old Boy Saved His Entire Family From Their Burning House!

A 9-year-old boy heroically rescued his entire family when their home in McEwen, Tennessee, unexpectedly burst into flames.

According to WTVF, it all started when Tristan Cook was watching television on the couch with his three younger siblings – ages 7, 5, and 3– at around 8:30 p.m. last Thursday. At one point, he heard a loud noise in another room close by and immediately went to investigate. He later recalled:

“I heard this pop noise in the office room and I smelled smoke.”

When Tristan opened the office room door, he soon noticed that the space had somehow gone up in flames and rushed to notify his parents about what was going on.

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His mother, Tracey Cook, who was asleep at the time, recalled to the outlet:

“He came running down the hall screaming, ‘Mom, mom, there’s a fire.”

His siblings quickly followed Tristan out of the room. Meanwhile, their father was in the garage during the incident. The entire family thankfully made it out unharmed.

Wow, that was some quick-thinking on Tristan’s part!!

And apparently, the heroic act was caught on video! Per WTVF, Tracey later realized just what her son had done for the family when looking back at the footage from a camera she had set up inside the home to keep an eye on children. She said:

“I was so proud and so blessed that he got us all out. He warned us all.”

Unfortunately, though, the Cook’s home was engulfed by the fire minutes after Tristan called out for his mom and the residence suffered significant damage. WTVF reports the family practically lost everything — including all of the children’s gifts from the holidays. So sad. And while the exact cause of the fire has not been revealed, the outlet says that the blaze is believed to have started from some sort of electrical short.

But despite losing their home, Tracey just feels grateful that everyone escaped the fire without any injuries or worse, and it’s all thanks to her son. She expressed:

“But if anything had happened to them I wouldn’t be able to wake up. I mean we are family.”

They are certainly lucky because who knows what would have happened if it weren’t for Tristan’s bravery. You can ch-ch-check out the moment (below):

We’re wishing the Cook family the best as they rebuild their home! Reactions, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments (below)!

[Image via NewsChannel 5/YouTube]

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Jan 07, 2022 07:00am PDT