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Alex Rodriguez

A-Rod Chooses His Kids

As we mentioned yesterday, reports claimed that Alex Rodriguez‘s soon-to-be ex wife, Cynthia Rodriguez, was spreading word to family and friends that A-Rod was ditching his kids for Madonna tomorrow.
An email reportedly from Cynthia to a friend said, “My 6-foot-3, 220-pound soul-less, soon-to-be ex-husband is abandoning his kids on Thanksgiving to be with Madonna ├óΓé¼┬ª She called and he ran on her command back to New York City ├óΓé¼┬ª Gross!”
But, it seems A-Rod wants to make good and show that even though he wasn’t a good husband, at least he’s a good dad. So, A-Rod and Cynthia decided to go out for a very public dinner to a restaurant in Miami on Tuesday night. With paparazzi around to photograph the evening, of course.
A friend of Cynthia adds, “He’s going to be with Cynthia and her entire family for Thanksgiving, and this has been planned for months. It’s quite a big celebration. They have a large family get together every year. It was always his intention to go to the family get together with her family, and it includes a whole array of relatives.”
Wow, that should be an interesting dinner!
The source also said that since the two split, “they’ve reconciled and it’s very friendly. All those other things are completely false and misleading.”
Glad to see A-Rod made the right choice.
Your children always come first!
[Photo via Getty Images.]

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Nov 26, 2008 09:00am PDT

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