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Angelina Jolie

Angelina Gives Out UNHCR Refugee Award!

Angelina Jolie Gives Award
Angelina Jolie made a wonderful appearance in Switzerland yesterday to give out the UNHCR Refugee Award!
She gave it to the “founder and 290 staff of SHS, a non-governmental organization, for their life-saving work in helping the thousands of refugees and migrants who arrive on Yemen’s shores each year.”
And she also took her time to appeal for Somalia while she was at it:

“We must not forget what is happening in this part of the world. We must not forget how desperate they are when the only alternative is to risk death at sea and put their lives in the hands of ruthless smugglers.
“The staff of the Society for Humanitarian Solidarity often risk their own lives, pulling people from the seas. Sadly and all too often they also bury the dead. But there is no doubt there would be far fewer survivors if it were not for the Society for Humanitarian Solidarity and the team’s devotion to humanity. We thank them.”

Angelina Jolie is such an incredible humanitarian. She doesn’t sit around and bask in her fame and fortune, but rather uses it to help those in need, and that’s so amazing!
Other celebs should follow suit!
[Image via Getty Images.]

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Oct 04, 2011 17:00pm PDT

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