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Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Prove They're The Coolest Parents EVER With This Awesome Gift For Shiloh's 8th Birthday!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got an awesome gift for Shiloh's eighth birthday!
It looks like these two are gunning for 2014 Parent of the Year honors!!
The past 24 hours have been incredibly hectic for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after a trip down the red carpet turned surprisingly physical!
However before all of the madness, the two got a chance to celebrate Shiloh‘s eighth birthday on Tuesday, and it sounds like they definitely spoiled her in the gift department!
At the Hollywood premiere of Maleficent, Angie opened up on what she bought her daughter, saying:

“We did lots of things. She’s very into skating. She’s a skateboarder. We did graffiti lessons and skateboarding.”

How cool is that?? As long as those newly acquired graffiti skills are going to good use, of course!
These two definitely set the bar high in the gift department, and the timing is pretty perfect considering Angie turns 39 on June 4th!
Looks like Shiloh is going to have to get a pretty awesome gift in return for momma bear!!
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

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May 29, 2014 19:55pm PDT