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Star Seeker

Holly Madison

Another Victim of the Dancing Curse!!!!!!

This has been one crazy season for everyone on the set of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars!
First, Jewel and Access Hollywood hostess Nancy O’Dell had to drop out of the competition before it even started due to injuries.
Then, Steve-O suffered a fall after the show started and injured himself.
Even Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and actor Gilles Marini have all suffered injuries during rehearsals.
Oh, and who can forget poor Shawn Johnson‘s crazy-ass stalker coming after her?
Well, now there’s something new to add to this year’s list of freakiness!
Former Girl Next Door, Holly Madison, has just suffered a rib injury during rehearsals!
Her publicist says Holly first hurt herself while training for last week’s routine.
He says, “After experiencing pain in her rib area, Holly received medical attention. While she is not suffering from a broken rib, she does continue to feel a great deal of discomfort and was prescribed pain medication. She is committed to the show and her partner Dmitry and will rest when she can. She fully hopes and, at this time, expects to dance on Monday.”
At this rate, the person who can avoid injury seems most likely to win!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 27, 2009 10:00am PDT

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