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Rough Week? Watch This Hot Shirtless Guy Rescue A Baby Dolphin!

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We SO needed this!
Following a storm of bad news (a possible Donald Trump presidency, the Stanford rapist, etc.), we caught wind of a heartwarming story coming out of Namibia, Africa.
In the very touching tale of rescue, a local tour guide named Naude Dreyer was on his way back from an outing with a client when he spotted a confusing shape moving around in the sand.
Related: Check Out This Two-Headed Dolphin!
According to Dreyer, he quickly discovered the mysterious figure was actually a baby Benguela dolphin that had managed to beach itself. Luckily for the little guy, Naude got there just in time to save the day.
Via a sweet Facebook message, Dreyer described the rescue, saying:

“On our way back from tour this morning, we came across this juvenile male Benguela Dolphin, still alive on the beach. It’s not clear how he ended up on there in the first place. After a quick assessment and measurements, i attempted to get him swimming again. I was not very hopeful, but as soon as he got into water and realized where he was he took off like a bullet. Nice. I’ll do a drive past the same area again later just to make sure he hasn’t returned again.”

Aw! Naude. is such a hero — and a cutie to boot! He went on to add:

“I was just doing what was the right thing to do. I just couldn’t leave him there.”

Such a nice story to hear following that HORRIBLE way some dolphins are treated!
You can check out the full video of the rescue (below)!

[Image via Twitter.]

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Jun 10, 2016 18:10pm PDT

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