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Mother Killed And Baby Kidnapped, AKA The Saddest Story You've Ever Heard

Yesterday, a new mom was shot and killed in the parking lot of a pediatric center outside of Houston. The woman’s 3-day-old son was kidnapped.
And it gets sadder: Kala Marie Golden only got to know her son for three days, but she spent her final moments trying to save him. After trying to fight her shooter, Kala died slowly in the parking lot, screaming for her child while medics tried to save her. Horrible. Horrible. Horrible.
The only bit of good news is the baby was found and the accused murderer, a nurse named Verna McClain, has been arrested.
Police think the murder/abduction was not directed at Kala or her son, Keegan. The nasty bitch McClain just wanted a baby, any baby, and the Texas mom was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The Montgomery County DA says:

“There were statements as indicated in the arrest record that were made by Ms. McClain that led us to believe that, in fact, this was an intentional act on her part. Not that Ms. Golden was targeted specifically, but that this was part of a plan to kidnap a child.”

So, so sad.
Watch the video (above) for more details on the shooting and the victim’s family.
Will keep you updated, as new info about the crazy baby stealing villain is released.

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Apr 18, 2012 15:00pm PDT

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