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Bachelorette Alum Katie Thurston Reveals She Was 'Victim Of Rape' And Slams Justice System That 'Failed' Her

Bachelorette Alum Katie Thurston Reveals She Was 'Victim Of Rape' And Slams Justice System That 'Failed' Her

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Bachelorette star Katie Thurston is opening up about being sexually assaulted.

In a vulnerable Instagram post on Saturday, the reality star revealed she was the “victim of rape” in San Diego, California and has been privately working with law enforcement to find justice. Unfortunately, the system has “failed” her. Oof. Speaking to ET, the ABC personality thanked all those who have helped her process this relatively recent assault, saying:

“I’ve had ample support from my community which allowed me to stay strong over these past seven months. While the outcome is disappointing, I am at peace and turning any pain into purpose and hope to help other survivors of sexual assault.”

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While the 33-year-old is admittedly “not ready” to describe the details of the traumatic moment, she took to social media to share a carousel post explaining the many resources she relied on to get through this difficult time. The post began:

“My pain has purpose. My purpose has power. I want to focus on the positive. The justice system continues to let down victims every day. I refuse to feel defeated in the strength it took to be an advocate for myself. I hope my experience will help those feel the strength and support they need. While I’m not ready to share my story, I want to share the valuable resources that saved my life.”

She went on to thank her therapist and advisors throughout the legal process, noting that after she reported the assault to 911 an “officer [came] to take my statement and then drove me to a special medical center to perform a SART exam,” she continued:

“I had two women with me. One was the nurse and the other my advocate. They were kind, nurturing, patient. I felt like a small child who was vulnerable and scared. They thoroughly explained the process, asking for consent along the way, and allowing me to decline or change my mind at any time.”

So, so glad she felt safe in the immediate aftermath of this incident. That’s so important!

Katie then underwent several tests to “check for STDs, drugs, and blood alcohol concentration.” She was also “given Plan B” and other treatments to prevent any possible infections or diseases — all “at no cost, regardless if I had insurance or not.” She then had to endure a long wait for her rape kit to be processed by a lab, which ultimately took “four months.” The comedian used this time to focus on her mental health and went to therapy several times a week (also free to her). She also read books like Know My Name by Chanel Miller. Thanks to the “CA Victims of Crime Board,” she was even able to get reimbursed for things related to the crime, such as a medication that “would cost me $1,000 out of pocket.”

Sadly, after all she did to seek justice against her perpetrator, her case has seemingly closed without any legal action. The TV star wrote:

“I did everything I should have done as a victim of rape. ‘Here are my texts, my calls, my photos, my videos, names, witnesses, locations, social media, time stamps, surveillance footage, DNA, my body.’ The warning ‘a guilty verdict is hard in criminal court’ echoed throughout the months, like an annoying parrot you were forced to keep. And as much as I heard it, I still wasn’t ready to be stopped. And yet, without warning, I was.”

Despite the disappointment, she continued:

“This is not a loss to me. I am safe. I am loved. I am supported. No, this is yet another loss in a broken system. Change happens in failure. And the justice system failed me. And continues to fail thousands every single day. But do not give up. Be your biggest advocate. You are valued. You are strong. I believe you.”

Whoa. Such a powerful statement. See it (below):

The FBoy Island alum also added a follow-up to fans in the comment section of her post, chiming in:

“I want to thank everyone who DM’d me. I spent the day offline and with loved ones.

We are SO sorry this happened to Katie, and that she didn’t get the results she was hoping for in court! But we commend her for speaking out so bravely and hope it helps in her ongoing healing journey! Sending much love!

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence and would like to learn more about resources, consider checking out

[Image via Katie Thurston/Instagram]

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Jun 30, 2024 07:09am PDT