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Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters Takes A Little Time To Enjoy…Her Vibrator! Watch Her HIGHlariously Admit To Owning A Buzzing Lovestick HERE!

We love Barbara Walters!
Almost as much as she loves herself!
No like, we means she LOVES herself!
The 84-year-old host of The View admitted live on-air this morning that she does indeed still pleasure her nether regions whenever the mood strikes her!
Ehrmergherd! That’s HIGHlarious!
Babs showed no shame while confessing to owning a vibrator! She even described to Whoopi Goldberg what she calls it!
She spilled:

“Do you know what it’s called? A selfie!”

We. DIE!!!
Go on, gurl! You’re never too old to get some lovin’, whether it’s with a guy, a gal or a piece of plastic!
Ch-ch-check out the video of Barbara Walters coming clean about getting down and dirty with her vibrator (above) !

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Feb 17, 2014 16:51pm PDT

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