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Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters Critiques The White House Correspondents' Dinner! Watch HERE!

Barbara Walters is not happy with the White House.
The View host and journalist aired her true feelings about the Correspondents├óΓé¼Γäó Dinner on the show this morning, claiming that the tradition isn’t what it once was.
Ch-ch-check out the video (above) and hear firsthand what Barbara had to say.
She explained:

├óΓé¼┼ôThe White House Correspondents’ Dinner has changed… It’s why some of us didn’t go this year, because it’s got movie stars… you used to see other members of the administration, other politicians, but it’s become more and more about the movie stars at the table.”

She added:

“But there was more administration, and senators and congressmen. I mean, it’s the White House Correspondents’ Dinner… It used to be a wonderful opportunity to meet all different people in Washington, but when it gets to be about movie stars, not that it’s not fun, but it’s a little different.├óΓé¼┬¥

Hmm. Does she have a point??

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Apr 29, 2013 16:43pm PDT

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