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Decorate Your Beard This Holiday Season With Tiny Christmas Tree Ornaments!

Beard baubles are the latest hipster craze.
And if you’re a bearded man, you owe it to the rest of us to decorate your facial hair with these tiny Christmas tree ornaments.
Come on, just do it! You’ll be spreading so much holiday cheer!
The little round balls are called Beard Baubles (check out the website HERE), and are sold by a company of the same name.
Rather unfortunately, they are currently sold out, but the company promises to have new ones as soon as possible.
What better way to entertain your friends and family during holiday parties? And what better way to break the ice with the ladies, as well?
This idea is gold. GOLD, we tell you!
A pack of the baubles costs about $14, and all proceeds go to benefit Beard Season, a charity based in Australia that raises awareness for skin cancer and encourages people to prevent the disease by taking skin tests.
A great gift for a great cause!
[Image via Beard Baubles]

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Dec 12, 2014 16:28pm PDT

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