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The New Head Of Sony Already Has An Email Leak Problem! Caught Calling Ben Stiller A 'Horrible Human Being'!

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Amy Pascal got such negative press after the public saw her leaked emails that she was forced to step down as chairman of Sony.
But is her replacement any better?
Tom Rothman hasn’t been head of the company very long, and already he’s been caught throwing shade at stars.
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In an December 2013 email exchange published by WikiLeaks, Pascal dropped the then-head of TriStar a line to congratulate him on the quality of The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.
Rothman said thanks, but unnecessarily added about star Ben Stiller:

“Ben is talented, albeit horrible human being.”

Eesh! We wonder if this is just the start of more celeb trash-talking…
Rothman went on to blame the marketing campaign for the movie’s financial underperformance, so it def seems like he was a bit bitter over that.
But frankly we’re still surprised that you get this kind of thing from top execs.
[Image via Andres Otero/Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

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May 04, 2015 16:28pm PDT