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In Case You Missed It: Beyoncé Shows Everyone How To Handle A Wardrobe Malfunction At The Global Citizen Festival! GIFs HERE!

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We may have found the Holy Grail!!
While Beyonc├â┬⌐ was performing Holy Grail with Jay Z at the Global Citizen Festival in New York on Saturday, the singer was headbanging SO hard that her blouse simply couldn’t take all the action!
[ Video: Beyoncé & Jay Z Perform At Global Citizen Fest ]
It burst right open in front of the entire audience, thus displaying Queen Bey’s nude bra beneath.
And Queen Bey was soooo busy doing her thang that it took her a while to notice!!
The surprisingly unsexy (and suspiciously loose around the belly) performance outfit became seXXXy real fast, as you can see in the following GIFs!
Here’s when the shirt tore open:
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And here’s when Yonc├â┬⌐ finally noticed what had gone wrong:
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Then here’s when she casually tried to keep it closed:
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Way to OWN it, Bey!!
[Image via Getty Images.]

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Sep 29, 2014 11:11am PDT