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Animal Cruelty

Bob Barker And Jorja Fox Launch Circus Animal Cruelty Bill

Bob Barker, a well known animal enthusiast, and Jorja Fox, an animal advocate as well, had teamed up to help get three elephants moved to a sanctuary from a Toronto zoo where things were too cold.
And now they are in Washington, launching a bill called the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act.
The bill would:

“[…]restrict the use of exotic and wild animals in traveling circuses,” [and end the] ‘random cruelty and neglect’ found in these circuses.”

About the bill, Bob Barker said:

“Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from violent training techniques and severe confinement.
Big, wild animals should not be part of the traveling circus and simply put, animal acts in circuses are antiquated and belong in the past, in a time when humans were ignorant about the needs of the other species who share our planet.”

On the bill, Jorja Fox said:

“Congress has a responsibility to protect the welfare of animals and ensure public safety. A prohibition on the use of exotic and wild animals in traveling circuses is proportionate, responsible, the least expensive solution to this problem, and long overdue.
We call on Congress to bring to an end, once and for all, the abuse and suffering that has been exposed by ADI time and time again.”

Similar bills have been passed in other countries and it seems strong that this bill will pass in the US.
Way to go!
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

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Nov 02, 2011 17:00pm PDT