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Britney Spears

Britney Spears Opens Up And Admits That "A Lot of Sex Goes Into What I Do!" Check Out The Details HERE!!!

Britney Spears Work Bitch video

Ya better work, bitch!

Britney Spears called in to a radio show in Boston this morning and was being as open as a book on all things Brit-Brit.

The singer chatted with them about her upcoming collab with Miley Cyrus, her Vegas residency, and her seXXXy image.

We LOVE it!!!

The DJ asked Brit-Brit if being a mom makes her any less comfortable showing skin, especially in her new video, and her answer was really open and honest.

Brit said:

“Oh my god we showed WAY more skin and did way more stuff for the video than what is actually there. Like, I cut out half the video because I am a mother and I have children. It’s hard to play sexy mom while you’re, ya know, being a pop-star as well…I just have to be true to myself and just feel it out when I do stuff.

You mean you’re holding out on us, Brit-Brit!?!?!? Not FAIR!!!

The DJ pushed the topic a little further asking if there is an image that SHE wishes she could be and, surprisingly, what we see from Brit is what she wants us to see!

She answered:

“Part of what I do and a lot of things that made me do so well in past performances is [that] A LOT of sex goes in to what I do.”

Werk that sex appeal, gurlfriend!!!

As much as she loves what she does, there is one thing that Brit-Brit longs for.

She went on to say:

“Sometimes I would like to bring it back to the old days when it was one outfit through the whole video and just dancing and not that much sex stuff going on and it’s just about the dance and it’s just old-school. I would love to do a video like that.”

That would be AH-Mazing!

We think you should make your next video Baby, One More Time reborn!!

Ch-ch-check out the REST of the interview here!

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Oct 03, 2013 12:50pm PDT

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