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Carly Rae Jepsen On Teen Jeopardy? It Happened, Maybe!

Oh, Alex — you crafty gent!
Just when you thought Carly Rae Jepsen‘s oddly punctuated, chart-smashing single was gone for good… Jeopardy sucks us all right back in!
The gameshow is holding its Teen Tournament right now and what do those young whipper-snappers love more than categories named after the lyrics to Call Me Maybe?
Nothing! The answer is nothing!
Ch-ch-check out Alex Trebek pimping his fellow Canadian’s Grammy-nominated single just days before the award is handed out!!
We wish we knew how to quit you, CRJ!!!
Will Call Me Maybe win Song of the Year at the Grammys? Check back with us on Sunday to find out!!

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Feb 07, 2013 14:49pm PDT