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DANGER! Cat Poo Could KILL You!

Cat Poop Could Kill You!

Cats poo about 1.2 million metric tons of doo doo in the environment every year in the U.S. alone. That’s over 2.6 BILLION pounds of cat dookie!

That’s absolutely disgusting!

Some of that poop has an infectious parasite in it called Toxoplasma gondii, which can cause toxoplasmosis in normally healthy people.

New research has linked toxoplasmosis to schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, brain cancer and much more.

The director of the Stanley Medical Research Institute said:

“The accumulation of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts, found in cat feces, may be a much bigger problem than we realize because of their apparent long life and their association with some diseases.”

Certain backyards and communities have been found to have over 400 oocysts per square foot!!

That is so grossssss!

So if you have a cat, make sure to keep litter boxes and poo poo areas clean! Wear gloves! Wash your hands!

Stay safe or else cat poo could kill you!!

[Image via Wikimedia Commons.]

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Jul 10, 2013 20:00pm PDT