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Catherine Zeta-Jones In A Better Place After Family Health Scares

That makes it sound like she’s dead or something.
She’s actually quite the opposite!
Catherine Zeta-Jones‘ family has been dealing with different health issues recently, and, now, she’s opening up about them.
For instance, she discusses how her husband Michael Douglas, 67, said he had throat cancer back in 2010. Then, they experienced more complications when they revealed their son has “special needs,” and more recently, Catherine herself underwent treatment for bipolar disorder.
She said:

“It puts everything into perspective on a personal and professional level. I’m not so consumed about what people think or say like I used to be. This is life; this is it. And we feel very blessed with our health and everything. And we just enjoy it. Michael’s the same.”

Many people would say these things make them stronger, but Catherine wouldn’t totally agree, would you Catherine?

“Oh no, not really. I just feel that I look out for myself and I nurture my strength. I’m not inherently a ball-busting, strong woman. But these things are sent to try us, and we do sit back and go, ‘Wow, we got through that,’ and, ‘Oof, we dodged that huge bullet.’ I guess it does make you stronger because you have some ammunition to be prepared for something else that’s going to side swipe you, because it really did side swipe us. I’m in a much better place now. Things are going great and long may they continue because it’s been a tough road.”

We’re so glad to hear!
Here’s to hoping your family stays happy and healthy from here on out.
[Image via Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

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Jun 15, 2012 13:00pm PDT