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Why Are Zac Efron, Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman & SO MANY Huge Stars Congratulating This Woman On Her Wedding?! Find Out HERE!

celebrities wish jenny congrats wedding video amazing muppets
Talk about the best fiancé EVER?!?
Joe Michalczuk is an entertainment reporter for Sky News in the UK which means he comes into contact with celebrities A LOT!
So, Joe decided to take advantage of his job and have the celebrities he interviews wish his soon-to-be wife congratulations on their marriage and he totally succeeded!
Who’d he get, you ask?
Oh, ya know, just Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans who were SO Cute, Zac Efron who blew some kisses to the soon-to-be Mrs. Michalczuk, and Kate Winslet who reenacted Titanic!!!
Even though Miss Piggy and Kermit of The Muppets seem to be warning Jenny on her big day, you’ll laugh when you see what ACTUALLY happened!
Ch-ch-check out the ADORABLE star-studded video…AFTER THE JUMP!!!

We gotta admit, our favorite, is definitely Hugh Jackman‘s AH-MAZE speech at the end! LOLz!!
Congratulations, Jenny!

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May 19, 2014 19:42pm PDT