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Chris Evans' Captain America Workout

Chris Evans is one of those guys that was just born hunky.
He’s hot, funny and JACKED!
But to play Captain America he really had to get his superhero body on!
Men’s Health has the whole super-powered workout here for you:

Get a six-pack like Captain America
Hit your six-pack from every angle and carve out abs like Chris Evans with this workout
Ab wheel
Do not rest between exercises, but take a three-minute breather after the four-move circuit. Then repeat.
Reps 12
Get on all fours, holding an ab wheel in both hands. (It’s a wheel with handles on either side – if you don’t have one, use a small barbell with a towel wrapped around it). Roll forward, keeping your back straight, knees on the floor and extending your arms in front of you, then tighten your abs to pull yourself back to the starting position.
Cable ab curl
Reps 15
Kneel in front of a cable machine set to its highest setting. Hold a rope attachment in both hands above your head. Curl forwards at the waist, drawing your head towards the floor and pulling the rope down with your arms. Then return to the start. But don’t actually headbutt the floor.
Dragon flag
Reps 6
Lie on a flat bench, gripping it hard, with your hands by your ears, elbows pointing upwards. Keeping your hips locked, and your legs and body straight, raise yourself into a shoulder-stand. This is really hard. Start off in the shoulder-stand position, then lower yourself very slowly. Be brave and you will strengthen and improve.
Barbell sit-up
Reps 15
Lie on your back, legs bent, holding a barbell as though in a bench-press position. Sit up and raise the bar above your head, as in the military press position. As you roll back down, slowly return the bar to the original position. Start light, unless you want to crush yourself.

Notice a trend in these workouts?? A strong core means a healthy, muscular, fit body!
So just run through this circuit and soon you’ll have bullets bouncing off your abs! (The previous statement is only an exaggeration, do NOT try using your abs as a bullet shield, even if you are Chris Evans.)
Want more movie star workouts?? Check out Mark Wahlberg’s The Fighter workout and get into fighting shape!!
[Image via Marvel Studios/Paramount Pictures.]

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Sep 29, 2012 14:03pm PDT

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