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#OscarsSoWhite Even The Host Is Pointing It Out -- Chris Rock Calls The Event 'The White BET Awards'!

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It’s funny… because it’s true!
Chris Rock released a quick promo clip for the Oscars on Friday evening, and since he’s hosting the show this February, you know he’s going to have a lot to say about all the news surrounding its total lack of diversity!
Related: Chris Calls Out J-Law On REAL Discrimination!
Taking to Twitter, the host called the show “the white BET Awards” in a tweet posted alongside a promo vid, which you can check out (below)!!!

Well, he’s not wrong…
The Oscars take place February 28 at 7 p.m. ET… will U be watching??
[Image via Michael Carpenter/WENN.]

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Jan 16, 2016 11:32am PDT