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Anne Hathaway

Swap Out Gravity's George Clooney And Sandra Bullock for Matthew McConaughey And Anne Hathaway And You Have -- Chris Nolan's Interstellar!

It may be Christopher Nolan’s birthday, but he’s giving us the real present.
That’s because over the weekend, he dropped the THIRD trailer for Interstellar today!
That’s right!
With this third installment, which originally premiered at Comic-Con, we finally get to see a little of what Matthew McConaughey and Co. are searching for up in space.
The movie, also starring Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Ellen Burstyn, and Michael Caine is due out Nov. 7th, so this could be the last trailer we get.
Although, we wouldn’t mind seeing a fourth trailer that explains Anne and Jessica’s involvement in the story to a really in depth extant.
Well, dang. Now that we’ve thought of it, we actually kind of want it.
But until then, you’ll just have to settle for the ones we already have!
Ch-ch-check it out (above)!

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Jul 30, 2014 23:04pm PDT