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Colin Farrell Was In Penile Denial After Getting Sober! The Ladiez Man's Sex Fear Will Mind Boggle You!

Hollywood’s former bad boy has gone sexy, sweet, and vulnerable!
We all thought Colin Farrell exuded CAH-razy confidence – but now, he’s ready to put his reputation as a drug-fueled ladies man to the wayside, revealing a different side of his sober personality!
In a new interview for the March issue of Elle, the Winter’s Tale actor is confessing that the most terrifying time during his eight years of sobriety was the moment he had substance-free sex:

“I made love to a woman about two and half years after I got clean, and it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. Because I was just used to drunkenness and dark rooms and clubs and toilets and wherever. I worried I wouldn’t be able to talk, full stop. I hadn’t uttered a word sober in about 15 years.”

After getting over that seXXXy scary hump, the single stud shared his beliefs on monogamous relationships – but isn’t sure if a lifelong partner is the key to his happiness:

“I’ve had arguments with friends about this. For me, I don’t know if it’s possible. I’m not saying it’s not possible. I have been monogamous in relationships. But I’m not in a relationship now. So they haven’t worked. So it wouldn’t stand up in court. We’ve all seen people who are 70, 80, 90, who have held each other’s hands throughout their lives. But is there a part of man that does want to sow his seed? Absolutely.”

Isn’t his raw honesty AH-Mazing?!
We love learning about a different side to this Irish actor, and hope he does find that special person to share his life with…
In his own time!

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Feb 13, 2014 15:01pm PDT

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