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Kentucky Resident Contracts COVID-19 After Attending A 'Coronavirus Party'

Coronavirus party attendee contracts coronavirus

For those who think it might be fun to hit up a “coronavirus party” amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear (pictured above) would very much like you to reconsider.

During a press conference on Tuesday, the governor revealed that a Kentucky resident tested positive for COVID-19 after attending a “coronavirus party.” Details about the event weren’t disclosed, nor was the age and current condition of the partygoer turned patient.

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But Beshear had plenty to say when it came to condemning the resident’s irresponsible behavior. At his daily COVID-19 press briefing, he said:

“We still have folks that aren’t following the recommendations. And that ultimately hurts all of us. We have a positive case today from someone who attended a ‘coronavirus party.’ And this is the part where I, the person to tell everybody to be calm, have to remain calm myself. Because anyone who goes to something like this may think that they are indestructible. But it’s someone else’s loved one that they are going to hurt. We are battling for the health and even the lives of our parents and our grandparents… Don’t be so callous as to intentionally go to something and expose yourself to something that can kill other people. We ought to be much better than that.”

Beshear admitted that hearing about the “coronavirus party” made him “mad,” adding that “we all owe each other a duty to protect each other, and we simply can’t have folks that are doing things like this… So, this is one that I hope I never have to report on again.”

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He continued:

“This is something that no one should be doing across the commonwealth. My job in these press conferences is to talk to you about how we’re going to get through it — and we are — and that we’re going to do everything we can to protect the lives of those around us. But this is one that makes me mad. And it should make you mad. Ultimately, the power of forgiveness, we get through this, we should forgive that person. But no more of these. Anywhere. Statewide. Ever. For any reason.”

We know, we know. The idea of being alone with one’s thoughts is scary — but not as scary as the rising toll of coronavirus-related deaths, which, as of Tuesday, was 615 nationwide. 

As for Kentucky, 3,022 people have been tested for COVID-19, and 157 have tested positive for the contagious respiratory virus — including the partygoer — according to Kentucky’s Department of Health.

Stay safe, Perezcious readers.

[Image via YouTube]

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Mar 25, 2020 13:23pm PDT