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Cute Corgi's Hatred For Cleaning Products Causes Explosion And Kitchen Fire! Watch The Intense Vid HERE!

Cute corgi's hatred for cleaning products caused explosion and fire!
A new web series called Pet Sense is being produced by the Pet Collective — which sounds so great, btw!
The only thing is, the first pet featured on the show was Yogi, a Corgi who haaaates cleaning supplies.
Random, we know, but it definitely makes for good TV when that dog’s hatred causes an EXPLOSION and FIRE!
For the show, they obviously needed shots of Yogi hating cleaning products, so his owner opened the cabinet under their kitchen sink and Yogi immediately began attacking the products underneath.
The last thing they expected was for him to actually puncture a can, leading to a rapid depressurization and spraying of black paint everywhere.
Luckily the pup AND the owners were just fine! Unluckily the aerosol and paint fumes hit his owner’s oven pilot light and KABOOM! Explosion!
Check out the video (below) to the see the crazy dog set off a crazier explosion!

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Mar 20, 2014 13:57pm PDT

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