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Demi Lovato Went Too Far With Body Positivity??

Demi Lovato Body Positivity Ashley Graham Podcast Interview

We love how healthy Demi Lovato has been sounding lately — and we aren’t just talking about her killer voice.

The 27-year-old has been fairly open about her journey of sobriety, and a big step in that journey is learning how to be honest with everyone — but especially with yourself.

Sometimes that can mean taking a slightly different approach than the most popular one. What do we mean??

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Well, Demi was a guest on Ashley Graham‘s Pretty Big Deal podcast on Tuesday, and she opened up about a shift in her view that she found really helpful. She told the model momma:

“I have a bunch of people that I work with in the recovery aspect of my life, one of them is a dietician, one of them is a therapist.”

Innerestingly it was actually the dietician who got into Demi’s head — and made her realize she was going too far with the whole body positivity thing, instead telling her to focus on body acceptance. She explained:

“Now when I look in the mirror and I start to have a negative thought, I don’t stop and say, ‘No, you’re beautiful, you’re gorgeous, I love you, you’re perfect the way you are.’ Because I don’t believe that.”

So what does she say now instead?

“You’re healthy and I accept you.”

That actually sounds so much healthier. It’s positive but not effusive. It doesn’t feel like false flattery. When we don’t actually believe we’re “perfect just the way we are” saying it can definitely feel disingenuous. (Though honestly Demi does look super fine at the moment so we’re not sure how much she was really overdoing it at all. Just sayin’.)

Demi Lovato Instagram bikini photo
(c) Demi Lovato/Instagram

The Heart Attack singer continued:

“So you express gratitude in the health and then you just express reality in accepting yourself rather than trying to convince yourself of something that you don’t believe. I would love to be in a place where I can say I’m super confident in my body, but the reality is, I’m not.”

Part of not always feeling supremely confident means drawing boundaries for yourself:

“I haven’t worn a pair of jeans in forever because I don’t like jeans, they don’t make me feel great right now. And I don’t have to f**king wear jeans if I don’t want to.”

Graham sympathized:

“I haven’t worn jeans in six months.”

Of course, she has a pretty specific reason for a wardrobe shift over the past few months…

Finally, Demi revealed she doesn’t even know what her weight is anymore — which is really helping her to stop obsessing about it!

“Now, I finally feel like I have freedom from it because I literally don’t know my weight. And it’s the most free that I’ve ever felt in my whole life.”

We love how honest a conversation this is, especially considering it’s with one of the most well-known body positivity role models around.

Ashley Graham has been on her own honesty kick lately, showing her fans as much as she dares to about the “messy parts” of giving birth and postpartum recovery. Most recently she showed off her nude post-baby body, completely unretouched with the stretch marks and all.

We can’t help but wonder if talking to Demi (the podcast was clearly filmed weeks ago) partially influenced that decision.

You can watch the fantastic full talk (below)!

[Image via Demi Lovato/Instagram/Ashley Graham/YouTube.]

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Feb 18, 2020 15:20pm PDT