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This Adorable Dachshund Fulfilled His New Year's Resolution And Lost More Than 40 Pounds!

Dennis the Dachshund is kicking off 2015 the right way!
Wow! We’re not even 48 hours into the new year yet and this guy has already accomplished his resolution!!
Just kidding, we know he spent more than 48 hours on it… and it’s seriously impressive!
Dennis the Dachshund weighed a whopping 56 pounds after a diet of mostly human food! But despite his overall cuteness, his owners knew he had to shed some weight and get healthy!
So Dennis was put on a very strict diet which was coupled with a an intense workout regimen and believe it or not, he is now down to 13 pounds!
That’s right! This little fella lost a mind-boggling 43 pounds!!
[ Related: Guilty Dog Puts Herself In Time Out! So CUTE!! ]
Dennis still needs to have surgery to help remove some of the excess skin, but his owner Brooklyn Burton says he’s already seeing the benefits:

“He now can go up and down the steps. He never used to be able to do that.”

Ha! That’s one heck of a consolation prize!!
So next time you’re struggling with your new year’s resolution, just remember that if Dennis could do it, so can you!
[Image via WSYX.]

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Jan 02, 2015 16:10pm PDT

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