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Designer Douche Gets 59 To Life


The fashion designer who was charged with 14 counts of sexual assault and rape was sentenced to 59 years to life in prison.

Anand Jon Alexander, the designer who had appeared on America’s Next Top Model, would lure young models, some as young as 14 at the time of assault, to his home in Beverly Hills under the guise that a career launching photo-shoot awaited them. Upon their arrival, Alexander would assault and/or rape them.

Some of the victims spoke yesterday in court, including a girl who was 14 at the time of the rape. Now 17, she tearfully told the court room, “I was 14. You took my adolescence, my trust, my dream, and completely manipulated them for your sexual desires. It sickens me that a grown man can do such a thing to a girl.”

Another victim cried, “I have a constant reminder of the day that I, the biggest daddy’s girl in the world, had to tell my dad that I had been raped by this person. Now every day I have to cope with my family having to relive all of this and it absolutely kills me.”

Superior Court Judge David Wesley said that, “Mr. Alexander has shown no remorse for his actions.”

It seems that Alexander, who made the peculiar choice to represent himself in court, knew earlier in the day that the case was closing in on him: the only time he showed any trace of regret was when he tearfully implored the judge to retry his case. His Honor declined to acquiesce.

In addition to his appearance on America’s Next Top Model, the designer had also worked with A-List clients such as Paris Hilton and Mary J. Blige. Alexander, born in India and graduate of the Parsons School of Design, maintains his innocence.

So wrong!

[Image via Getty Images.]

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Sep 01, 2009 11:00am PDT

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