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Desperate Crew Pissed At Teri Hatcher And Discount Housewives

Teri Hatcher Is A Cheap Housewife With Crew
The women of Wysteria Lane should be embarrassed!!
We already told you each of the Desperate Housewives whose names don’t rhyme with Harry Snatcher pooled their money to buy their crew of eight years some parting gifts.
So how did those luggage sets go over?
Uh, not well. The crew was HARDLY impressed.
A source close to cast revealed:

“[The cast] should all be embarrassed. It’s just not right.”

Friends bought their guys PT Cruisers. Keanu distributed a million in cash to The Matrix crew. And the Housewives only ponied up a few bucks for third-rate luggage??
Well at least they did something!!
Teri Hatcher didn’t give a crap dollar to the fund!
The source added:

“She’s too busy stripping her trailer of everything but the kitchen sink! She’s hired people to take out her TV, her couch and practically anything else that isn’t nailed down.”

Hmmm. This is how reputations are made.
You girls might be grabbing your own Diet Cokes on the set of your next gig.
[Image via Judy Eddy/WENN.]

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May 10, 2012 16:10pm PDT