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Dina Lohan Blames Paparazzi For DWI! Find Out How HERE!

dina lohan dwi court paparazzi blame media

Dina Lohan was back in court on Wednesday for her hearing, and while her pleading not guilty last month may have been a surprise, this new defense strategy was downright shocking!

Dina’s defense attorney Mark Heller, a hand-me-up from daughter Lindsay Lohan we guess, decided the buck would stop… somewhere else! He read from a court report, saying:

“The circumstances leading to Dina’s arrest were largely impacted by ongoing daily stresses caused by you folks, the paparazzi, media attention and distorted tabloid character profiles.”

Wow. We know tabloids can make things up, but we’re pretty sure they can’t MAKE you blow twice the legal limit on a breathalyzer. Mark continued:

“After meeting Dina and her family and witnessing the care, compassion and concern shared between family members, it is my hope that the courts will take the circumstances and challenges of Dina’s lifestyle under consideration in prosecuting this case.”

If Dina’s only defense is showing how close and nurturing the Lohan family is, we have a feeling gurl might be in serious trouble.

But who knows? Maybe all the adversity has made them even closer? They’re certainly more prepared for drunk driving cases.

In any case, we hope this experience helps Dina become more responsible when lives are at stake- especially hers.

[Image via Splash News.]

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Oct 23, 2013 16:40pm PDT