Denial! Denial! Denial!
Enabler #1, Lindsay‘s mother, Dina Lohan, is attempting to “spin” this week’s sad events, as she so often does.
It’s never Lindsay’s fault!
Dina’s friend, Gina Glickman, an unofficial family spokesperson, is speaking out to Entertainment Tonight about Lindsay’s side of the story, and that shit stinks so bad we’re about to pass out from holding our breath.
According to Gina via the Lohan family:
Lindsay was having a get-together at her home. Several people say she wasn’t drinking, that she didn’t even have a drink, but at a certain point in the night, apparently, she fell off the wagon and did start drinking.
When assistant TARIN GRAHAM walked into the house and looked disheveled with teary red eyes, Lindsay was concerned that something happened to her.
There was some sort of altercation. Tarin either quit or Lindsay fired her. Tarin left and Lindsay followed her.
There were definitely two people in the car with Lindsay that night.
Tarin’s mother apparently made a police call because she was afraid someone was chasing her.
Right now, we don’t know who may have been chasing her. It could have been paparazzi.
When the cops arrived, there were so many people in the parking lot that they automatically zoomed in on Lindsay. Apparently the altercation took place at about 1:30 a.m.
Lindsay was strong-armed into taking a breathalyzer test. They say the cocaine was not Lindsay’s; she was wearing someone else’s pants.
Dina got a call from Lindsay at about 5 a.m. and she was talking so fast Dina couldn’t even understand what she was saying … she was just like, ‘Mommy, mommy, mommy,’ and very upset in the conversation.
For the past two years, Dina’s been trying to get Lindsay to leave L.A. and come to N.Y. so she can be with all of her children.
Obviously she’s been going through a tough time and it would be best for her to come to N.Y., to be with her family right now, take some time off, get into a rehab center and bascially give herself a chance to be healthy right now.
They say her life is at risk. Lindsay suffers an addiction. It’s not about Lindsay’s career right now. It’s about saving her life.
Dina and Lindsay have been talking every hour. They’re texting constantly, they’re on the phone.
Not only does Dina have to deal with Lindsay’s crisis right now, but she also has to appear in court this Friday and Monday because she’s in a custody battle for all four of her children.
Lindsay could be traveling from L.A. to N.Y. right now to possibly be admitted into rehab.
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Dina Lohan is truly INSANE.
She expects us to believe this?????
This makes her out to be saint-like. Dina Lohan is freakin’ mother of the year!!!!!
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]
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