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Donald Trump's Tweets About Congressman And Civil Rights Icon John Lewis Are Awful -- But At Least One Good Thing Is Coming From It

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He just can’t help himself, can he?
Over the weekend, Donald Trump spent far too much time disrespecting Georgia Congressman John Lewis — a true civil rights icon who has fought for racial and social justice for decades, quite literally nearly losing his life during a protest years ago.
But to Trump, well, none of that matters.
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Stemming from criticism Congressman Lewis had of The Donald late last week, Trump got wind of the negative talk and fired off a pair of offensive tweets trying to call out Lewis about the district in Georgia over which he presides (below):

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Trump followed up later with one more tweet (below) because The Donald cannot let ANYTHING go:

Not that any of that makes much sense; not only has it precisely been Lewis’ life work to stamp out poverty and injustice — especially in the inner cities — the Congressman’s own district in Georgia is actually exceptionally prosperous, productive, and nice, hosting some of Atlanta’s finest and most historic institutions.
Then again, it’s not as though the facts have ever mattered to Donald Trump.
If there’s one good thing coming from all this nastiness, though, at least the Congressman’s memoirs have seen a huge spike in sales on and elsewhere thanks to Trump’s absurd tweets!
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Walking With The Wind, Lewis’ 1998 memoir, has jumped more than 800,000 percent in sales this weekend, according to THR.
The book charts Lewis’ remarkable life, from being the child of sharecroppers in Alabama to his work in the 1960s civil rights movement (where he was beaten and almost killed during the Freedom Rides and later on the Edmund Pettis Bridge during the Selma-to-Montgomery march).
In 2011, Barack Obama awarded Congressman Lewis the Presidential Medal Of Freedom.
He is an American hero. Period.
Got that, Donald Trump? Or did you want to spout more horrific and stupid tweets?
[Image via Johnny Louis/Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]

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Jan 15, 2017 18:10pm PDT