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New Poll Shows A LOT Of Republicans Want Donald Trump To Drop Out Of The Presidential Race!

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The calls grow louder and louder… but there’s no way he’d actually do it… right??
Donald Trump‘s campaign just endured yet another week of controversy, problems, and flat-out embarrassments, and now, enough is enough for a growing number of influential Republican strategists and political professionals.
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POLITICO anonymously surveyed GOP professionals — activists, strategists, and various other campaign operatives — that have worked on a variety of Republican campaigns in 11 swing states, and found that a whopping 70 PERCENT of them want The Donald to drop out of the race RIGHT NOW!
That move would be unheard of in modern American presidential politics, of course, but it’s not stopping people from demanding that Trump slink off back to his Manhattan real estate digs. And the quotes associated with the interview are VERY telling…
One New Hampshire GOP operative summed it up best:

“I’d rather take our chances with nearly anyone else than continue with this certain loser who will likely cost the Senate and much more.”

Other Republican officials are concerned about the effect Trump will have on down-ballot races this fall — the Senate, Congress, local elections state-by-state, etc.
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One Florida GOP official even seemed concerned about the future of the entire party (below):

“The effect Trump is having on down-ballot races has the potential to be devastating in November. His negative image among Hispanics, women and independents is something that could be devastating to Republicans. Trump’s divisive rhetoric to the Hispanic community at large has the potential to be devastating for years to come.”

So what to make of this?! Trump couldn’t really drop out, could he??
Technically he could, though it’d be a mess for the Republicans — but based on his massive ego, conservative officials think there’s no chance The Donald would ever consider giving up his nomination.
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One New Hampshire Republican put it succinctly (below):

“I wish I could lose 20 pounds, cut 5 shots off my handicap and play the piano. None of those things will happen, and neither will Trump drop out.”

And more to the point, if The Donald ever did drop out — or get forced out by top GOP officials — it’s pretty likely he’ll just scream and yell for a while about how the game has been rigged against him.
A Virginia operative said (below):

“He’s not going anywhere. His ego wouldn’t allow it. He’ll dominate the news for the next three months, each day more painful than the last, finally lose, say it was rigged and get a new [television] show.”

That is probably the most likely outcome here!!
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Above all, one Iowa Republican hit the nail on the head about what The Donald’s disastrous candidacy will mean long term:

“Trump won the nomination. Now he should lose fair and square. Only then will the party base have to reckon with what they’ve done. Talk of Trump dropping out will reach a fevered pitch next week, when his poll numbers bottom out. We need to brace ourselves.”

We can’t wait!!
The GOP made its bed with this Trump mess — now they must lie in it and see the problems they’ve created!!
[Image via CBS.]

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Aug 05, 2016 14:02pm PDT