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'He Only Sees One Color: GREEN' -- See Eric Trump's Strange Defense Of His Father's Racism!

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You know how when someone says something incredibly stupid on Family Feud, their team will rally behind them and say, “GOOD ANSWER, GOOD ANSWER!”
This is just like that. Except what Donald Trump said about not wanting immigrants from “shithole countries” was incredibly racist and he’s not trying to win $235, he’s deciding the future of the United States.
But like families do, Eric Trump is now doing the rounds defending his father, repeating the “least racist person” ever lie.
Video: Ellen Flawlessly Responds To Eric Suggesting She’s Part Of A ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy!
Only he added an interesting twist on Fox & Friends, saying:

“My father sees one color: Green. That is all he cares about. He cares about the economy. He does not see race. He is the least racist person I ever met in my entire life. It is total nonsense.”

Um, what? Watch the moment and get our take (below)!

All he cares about is money, huh?
That might have played a few years ago. It was certainly in keeping with what Ivana Trump wrote in her book about how Donald completely ignored his children and their rearing until they were old enough to talk business. We could buy that “he only sees green” is what lil Eric had to repeat to psych himself up before every game of catch meeting with Father growing up.
Heck, pure greed was even on brand for the Trump who was the figurehead on Celebrity Apprentice! But that was before we got to know Candidate Trump and then President Trump.
Because simply put his comments last Thursday were racist. His support of the Birther Movement claiming Barack Obama wasn’t born in this country was racist. His speech referring to Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals was racist. His gentle equivocation of Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville was racist.
Whether he’s also a greedy, lying, soulless, amoral fool is irrelevant. The facts are in.
Come at us.
[Image via FoxNews.]

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Jan 17, 2018 13:26pm PDT