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Twitter LOLs At Hilarious White House Photos Of Donald Trump 'Working' Amid Government Shutdown!

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The government may be shut down over failed budget negotiations, but Donald Trump wants you to know he’s HARD AT WORK.
And by “hard at work” we mean sitting at a completely empty desk in the Oval Office while he awkwardly pretends to make phone calls.
Amid the shutdown this weekend, the White House released photos of Trump doing President things — *taking important phone calls*; *walking through White House corridors with purpose*; *lol-ing with staffers* — all while modeling his dumbass MAGA hat.
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Twitter, of course, didn’t take the Apprentice-style photoshoot to mean POTUS was actually getting shit done.
Instead, the Internet made a meme-ery of the cringeworthy desk pics — and, more importantly, compared it to the desks of stable geniuses who actually get work done, like Albert Einstein and Barack Obama.
See the hilarious pictures and even more hilarious responses (below)!

[Image via White House.]

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Jan 22, 2018 12:41pm PDT