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Dr. Oz To Interview Donald Trump On Health But Won't Ask 'Questions He Doesn't Want To Have Answered'

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SRSLY?! What’s the point?
It seems like no matter where you go, someone’s making a GIANT fuss over Hillary Clinton‘s health issues, and it appears that Donald Trump is trying to capitalize on his opponent’s bad press!
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While Hillary is in the news because everyone is freaking out over nothing, Trump has decided he’s going to appear on The Dr. Oz Show to reveal details about his health.
Dr. Oz confirmed the news on the Fox News Radio program Kilmeade & Friends, saying he invited both the GOP candidate and Hillary to appear on his show at different times and old Donald will be stopping by Wednesday to film an episode to air Thursday!
The television host talked a bit about the upcoming interview with the politician saying:

“I want to ask him pointed questions about his health. The metaphor for me is that this is a doctor’s office, the studio.

Unfortunately, the 56-year-old also said:

“So, I’m not going to ask him questions he doesn’t want to have answered, and I also don’t want to talk about anybody else.”

Hmmmm, so we guess he’s going the spineless Matt Lauer route? LOLz!
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As you may remember, the former reality star’s doctor made some pretty ridiculous claims back in December and despite the public asking for more details for OVER NINE MONTHS, Donald has decided to wait until he can use it to attack his opponent. Because why would the 69-year-old even make an attempt to be a bigger person?
The good news is that Oz addressed Trump’s doctor’s note and said:

“It’s a little out of the ordinary. I’m gonna see if I can make some sense out of that.”

On top of that, though we don’t know if Clinton will accept the doctor’s invite, he DID say that he will NOT talk about the democratic candidate with Trump — but we’ll see how that goes.
Good luck making sense out of anything the political buffoon says! LOLz!
Ch-ch-check out the full interview (below) and make sure you keep your eyes peeled for news on Trump’s health after his big reveal on Wednesday!

[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 14, 2016 08:34am PDT