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Driving Sleepy Is As Bad As DUI!

Sleepy Driving
Do you drive when you’re sleepy?
Well, you’re basically drinking and driving. Good work.
The new study found that drivers who were either drunk or sleepy were at least twice as likely to be responsible for a vehicle accident!!
This is already known, but looking into it further just adds to the credibility.
Here’s what one researcher said:

“We know from experimental studies that just four hours of sleep loss will produce as much impairment as a six pack. If you have a whole night of sleep loss, that’s equivalent to having a blood alcohol content of 0.19.”

The researchers used information from driver questionnaires and police reports to determine what may have contributed to the accidents — all 679 of them that left drivers admitted to the hospital for more than a day.
The worst part is that there’s not breathalyzer for sleepiness, so you have to trust yourself. Take a nap before you leave, drink caffeine. Blasting the radio and having the cold air in your face doesn’t help as much as you’d think!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Jun 01, 2012 18:30pm PDT

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