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Duke Student & Porn Starlet Belle Knox Defends Her Adult Career On The View! But Wait Until You See What Sherri Shepherd Says To Her!

You have to be smart to go to Duke. Just like you have to be sexy (usually) to work in porn.
Luckily for Belle Knox, she’s got the brains and the bod to do both!
The 18-year-old has been paying for her $60,000 a year education by doing hardcore sex scenes on camera! And when a fellow Blue Devil student outed her XXX career earlier this month, she made headlines around the world!
No stranger to hot topics, the ladies of The View welcomed Belle to the table this week to give her a chance to explain why she turned to porn in order to make money.
According to Belle:

“I, like most other people, have been watching porn since I was 12 years old. Like most other females, there’s a stigma against watching pornography so I was not open about watching pornography.”

Wait, hold up. Did she just say she started watching porno when she was 12?!?
Okiedoke. It’s starting to make more sense why she might have chosen the career path she did!
But before you judge Belle, she wants everyone to know that just because a woman does porn doesn’t mean the experience can’t be empowering for her!
She explained:

“The idea of empowerment and degradation is completely subjective. For me, I feel that in this backdrop of our society where women are so often robbed of their sexual autonomy and are subjected to sexual violence in this backdrop of misogyny against women, it’s incredibly freeing and liberating for me to have that choice, to make decisions about my own body. In porn, I’m in a safe, controlled environment where I set the boundaries. I set the rules.”

A porn set is a safe environment but The View might not be! Because after that comment, Sherri Shepherd UNLEASHED her feelings on the sitch!
Press PLAY (above) to hear her take on Belle being both a porn star AND a college student!
If Belle feels good about being in porn and it’ll end up putting her through college, then all we can do is wish her luck! Just make sure you hit the books as much as you hit the bed, gurrrl!

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Mar 19, 2014 13:10pm PDT

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