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Emeli Sande

Emeli Sandé's A Sad Thoughtful Clown In New Video! WATCH HERE!

The poetic, insanely talented individual that is Emeli Sandé has blown our brainz once again with a tune that is sorrowful, current, and commentative, accompanied by a music video that tugs almost painfully at our heart strings!
Take a moment and reflect on Emeli’s latest creation called Clown (above)!
Emeli recently discussed the meaning of Clown, explaining:

“It’s about how I felt when I was trying to get signed, I was going for all these meetings and people were looking at me like ‘What do we do with you’? It’s about not allowing yourself to be judged by others or to be taken for an idiot. I feel the video reflects that.”

The Scottish singer never fails to impress; she is the absolute embodiment of an AWE inspiring recording artist.
No wonder she feels conflicted about selling out — essentially compromising who she is — simply for the fame and success!

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Dec 11, 2012 19:00pm PDT

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