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Euphoria Actress Chloe Cherry Reveals Porn Gave Her An Eating Disorder!

Euphoria Actress Chloe Cherry Porn Eating Disorder

Chloe Cherry is one of several young actors to really pop on Euphoria, but did you know that before the career-making role as drug addicted prostitute Faye she was a very different kind of performer?

She got her start at just 18 years old as an adult film actress, making over 200 films in about four years. Euphoria is actually her mainstream debut, and it’s a great place to start!

But even if she goes on to a great career in TV and film after the HBO hit, she’ll carry some scars from her other life forever.

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Namely, Chloe says, an eating disorder she developed during her time in the porn industry. Opening up on the Call Her Daddy podcast on Wednesday, the 24-year-old explained the origin of her issues:

“It all started when this agent that I had when I was in porn said to my face that I was fat. He said, ‘Everyone says that you’re fat and the fastest way to lose weight is by not eating.’ He said that to me and I was like, ‘What the f**k?'”

Despite her immediate reaction, rightly taking offense at the B.S. comment, she couldn’t help but take it to heart. She told host Alex Cooper:

“It just turned into an eating disorder ’cause I was so young at the time. He said that to me when I was 18, and it was so f**king freaky because no one in my whole life had ever said that I was fat and then it just became an obsession.”

Oh no. We mean, of course no one had said that to her before. This one guy just wanted something particular, and it had nothing to with her and how beautiful or healthy she looked. Ugh. One person can do so much damage with their words.

Chloe tried a vegan diet to lose weight — getting down to just 200 calories a day. Really, truly starving herself. She says she was “miserable” throughout. Yeah, no kidding. You’d never not be hangry!

So what finally helped Chloe realize she had a problem? Just talking about it. Thankfully she had friends who were looking out for her best interests who told her it was NOT enough food!

“To get out of it really took a lot of me opening up to all my friends. Opening up about it suddenly made it all come down.”

And now? The difference is night and day. She said:

“I was just miserable and not treating my body well, and now that I don’t count a single calorie and literally just eat anything I want and do anything I want, my body actually looks better than it ever has my entire f**king life.”

Hell yeah, gurl!

“I do not restrict my diet whatsoever. And that’s why I think a lot of people don’t think that I went through an eating disorder because I’m skinnier now than I was even though I was starving myself then.”

Guess she’s just naturally lean. We can’t believe some piece of trash ever made her feel bad about her body. Ugh!

For anyone else suffering this kind of insecurity, she has some great advice:

“Either I can decide to feel really good about myself or no one else will.”

Preach it! We’re looking forward to seeing what Chloe does next as a model and actress — and even more excited knowing she’s going to be serving such openness and positivity!

If you or someone you know is battling an eating disorder, please contact the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) at 1-800-931-2237 or go to

[Image via HBO Max/Chloe Cherry/Instagram.]

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Mar 11, 2022 06:51am PDT

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