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Lindsay Lohan

Expect To See A Lot More Of This

They call it “transitioning.”
Lindsay Lohan is slowly easing herself back in to normal everyday life.
The actress, who is still undergoing extended treatment at the Promises rehab facility in Malibu, celebrated her 21st birthday at a beachside party on Monday.
On Tuesday, Lohan and a companion did a little shopping – picking up a coffee drink and stopping by the Ron Herman in Malibu.
Lindsay’s next film, That Shitty Looking One Where She Plays A Stripper, comes out later this month. It yet remains to be seen if the recovering Lohan will promote the movie.
But we’re guessing she will. Splashy cover stories to follow!
Image via Pacific Coast News.]

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Jul 03, 2007 20:16pm PDT

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