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This Dad Made His Son's Brown Lunch Bags The Talk Of The Cafeteria!

you wish your parents had made brown bagging it this cool back then
Bryan Dunn is a graphic designer located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is always drawing something at any given moment!
So he decided, over a two year period, to give his 7-year-old son Rowan an ah-mazing present by drawing on his lunch bags!
And ALL of the artwork is seriously incredible!!!
The dad says that it all started when his son was in a summer school program, and they asked that parents pack their kids brown paper lunch bags. Here’s what Mr. Dunn said:

“He was in a summer programme that asked that paper bags be used for lunches, so I took the opportunity to do something I thought he’d enjoy. I’m pretty much always drawing in my free time and they’ve been a big hit at his school.”

It’s easy to see why they’re such a big hit!
They’re truly spectacular!!!
Check out ALL the drawings this dad drew for his son up (above) !!!
[Image via 1ush2/Imgur.]

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Jun 19, 2014 20:01pm PDT