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George W. Bush Dishes On His Unlikely Friendship With Michelle Obama & Explains Why Free Press Is So Important!

George W. Bush and Michelle Obama
George W. Bush
is just full of surprises these days.
POTUS 43 has reemerged into the spotlight (in a much more favorable way than he left it) in order to promote his first book of art (that he painted!) Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors. In new interviews this week, the former politician shares his thoughts on Donald Trump‘s war on the media, Vladimir Putin, and his friendship with Michelle Obama.
Let’s start with everyone’s favorite: Michelle.
Speaking to People, the 70-year-old argued it’s not so crazy people from two different administrations and different political parties can be pals.
Related: The Obamas Are Making MILLIONS For Their White House Memoirs
He said of the several photographs of them together at various events:

“She kind of likes my sense of humor. Anybody who likes my sense of humor, I immediately like. I can’t remember where else I’ve sat next to her, but I probably have a few wise cracks and she seemed to like it okay. I needle her a little bit and around her, I’m fairly lighthearted. [The Obamas] are around serious people all the time and we just took to each other. When I saw her, it was a genuine expression of affection.”

Speaking of Barack Obama‘s wife, Dubya appeared on Ellen on Thursday, where he said the FLOTUS could have at least offered some of her umbrella during that whole poncho debacle at Drumpf’s inauguration:

On a more serious note, Bush explained to Ellen DeGeneres the importance of maintaining a free press (are you listening, Donald?) and one very bizarre experience he had with the Russian President Putin during his time as Pres:

So crazy!
Everyone’s just really on that George W. Bush train now that Trump is making anyone and everyone look better!

You run into the darnedest people backstage at my show. Don’t miss tomorrow.A post shared by Ellen (@theellenshow) on Mar 1, 2017 at 6:04pm PST

[Image via Getty Images.]

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Mar 02, 2017 11:40am PDT