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Gerard Butler's 300 Workout

Gerard Butler was always in great shape, but it was the movie 300 that lead him to his best body EVER!
He played a Spartan warrior, and so to play the role properly, he had to train like a Spartan.
The workout would be simple and brutal. To us it just seems simply brutal. LOLz!
This workout can build muscle, increase endurance and burn serious fat… all at the same time!
Men’s Health detailed the workout, which goes as follows:

The ‘300’ workout
For a Spartan-sized challenge to your daily routine, consider this your new fitness gauntlet:
a) Pull-ups – 25 reps
b) Deadlifts with 135lbs – 50 reps
c) Push-ups – 50 reps
d) 24″ box jumps ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ 50 reps
e) Floor wipers – 50 reps
f) Single-arm clean-and-press with 36lbs kettlebell – 50 reps
g) Pull-ups – 25 reps
All exercises are done without scheduled rest between moves. Obviously this is an advanced workout… you shouldn’t do it unless you are already in great shape. Fortunately, this can all easily be adapted. Appropriate exercises can be subbed in: Drop down to 150 total reps, or 4-6 exercises of 15-25 reps each. For example, you might try this workout, great for a guy with moderate fitness:
15 body-weight rows
25 body-weight squats
15 push-ups
50 jumping jacks
20 mountain climbers
10 close grip push-ups
15 body-weight rows

So, you want shredded abs like Gerard Butler??
Then just follow the above workout if you dare!
They even gave an optional workout for those of us not built like tanks! Happy Spartaning!
[Image via Warner Bros. Pictures.]

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Sep 26, 2012 14:28pm PDT