Taylor Swift doesn’t follow us on Instagram. Nor you. Nor anyone.
That’s right, the ME! singer has 118 million followers, but she follows precisely ZERO back.
Photos: You Need To Calm Down Easter Eggs
No FBs, not even for BFs or BFFs. Not even her new secret bestie Katy Perry.
No one.
What’s up with that, Taylor?
So it turns out this is a legit strategy on her part.
And no, she isn’t just following zero on her official page to look cool while secretly following everyone on a second, incognito page called LookWhatUMade22 that posts snake emojis on enemy feeds.
Though frankly that’s not a terrible idea.
No, Taylor is trying to stay clear of social media in general for a very important reason — and it does kind of have to do with reputation.
During an interview on the U.K.’s Capital Breakfast show, the You Need To Calm Down singer explained:
“OK, so basically I found a couple years ago that, um, I found that, you know, social media started to feel a bit like the media’s way of monitoring my every move.”
That’s a bit paranoid, gurl.
Oh wait, we’re writing about her Instagram right this second…
OK, go on.
“…and like I’m starting to realize that if I didn’t wish one of my friends a happy birthday on Instagram, there would literally be articles saying like, unsquadded. ‘She’s no longer friends with so and so!’ And I’d literally be at the person’s birthday party with them and because I hadn’t posted… I kind of reject this idea that if you didn’t see it on the Internet it didn’t happen.“
She does know she could also use social media to clear up any misunderstandings like that, right?
But Taylor believes she can sidestep the grapevine altogether:
“So it was kind of my way of like not allowing my life to be controlled and monitored by social media, and I think we’re all kind of taking steps to try to figure out how to not let it take over our lives and our feelings and validation with our lives.”
So now she posts something every once in a while and forgets about it. She doesn’t see how many likes or comments.
Wait, she doesn’t look at your comments at all??
That’s what she says…
“You can’t have like a memory and take a picture of it and spend the rest of the day looking at the comments for that one snapshot of your day. You should just maybe be present for your whole day.”
So Taylor is living her best life and NOT posting pics of it for all to see.
And that helps her to continue to live her best life? Inneresting…
What do YOU think of Taylor’s strategy? Would she be better off not having an IG at all?
Or do you think she just doesn’t want to lose those 118 million followers??
[Image via Taylor Swift/Instagram.]
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