Hilary Duff has learned a lot since her childhood, that’s for sure!
The 33-year-old TV star opened up on Wednesday’s new episode of the Ellen DeGeneres-produced web series Lady Parts, sharing some surprising sex ed misconceptions and downright hilarious stories with the whole world.
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The famed Lizzie McGuire lead joined host Sarah Hyland and fellow guest Ashley Benson to talk about sex alongside specialist and OB/GYN Dr. Sherry Ross. The four connected (virtually, of course) for a VERY real talk about getting down and dirty, and for one, the Come Clean singer opened about her earliest misconception: that ANY touching would lead to pregnancy! Duff said, laughing:
“Oh my god, well, I thought the first time you have sex, you’re going to get pregnant.”
Ohhhhhh no!
And even funnier, she wasn’t alone! Benson echoed in to repeat Duff’s fears there, adding:
“I thought if you got fingered, you’d get pregnant. I mean, anything touching your vagina, I was like, ‘I’m going to get pregnant.’”
Glad these women know better now…
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On a more serious note, though, the conversation centered around how sex is often framed as something pleasing to men, and not always to women, and that clearly frustrated the Disney star!
Speaking as a happy wife and mother of two who now knows better than her own patchwork upbringing on the topic, the Younger star said:
“One thing that’s a bummer that people don’t really talk about when you’re younger is that sex is for pleasure, too — not just about being in love. Like, you’re having a lot of different feelings in your body and a lot of people are, like, ready at different times. I think as a young girl you get taught, ‘Well, you want the guy to feel good’ or something, and that’s really a terrible mentality to go into, like, starting to have sex with … but feeling good and connecting with someone [is never brought up]?”
Good point!!!
Later in the show, Hyland challenged Duff, who is pregnant with her third child right now, to explain the birds and bees to the teenage girls of the world in 30 seconds. No easy task!!
The Cinderella Story actress rose to the occasion, though, eventually saying:
“When you think you’re ready to have sex, first get to know your body. Learn what you like, learn what feels good for you before you go into doing it with someone else. [No one] should feel pressure to have sex … and you can never take away who you had sex with. Your number is just going to keep growing. So be careful so know who you’re having sex with and you like them. Sex is about pleasure, and not just for them, for you.”
Well said!!!
You can see Duff’s full appearance on video (below), alongside Benson and Hyland:
Love it! What a good mix of funny, informative goofiness!
What about U?? Any reactions, Perezcious readers?!
Sound off about Hilary’s sex ed upbringing — and maybe your own, too — down in the comments (below)…
[Image via Lady Parts/YouTube]