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How Hilary Duff Stays In Shape During Pregnancy

Hilary Duff has been vocal about her past with extreme dieting.
But now that she’s preggers, she’s determined to take care of herself and stay healthy for both her and her child.
Her sensible regimen is pretty simple, but is exactly what a pregnant mom needs to stay in shape while also providing enough nutrients for the baby. She makes sure to enough lean proteins, focuses on low-impact workouts, drinks tons of water, and allows herself to splurge every once in aw hile.
Hilary says:

“You go through a period [in your pregnancy] of feeling fat, but I’ve been exercising and eating what I want in moderation.”

And you look great, Hilary. You’re definitely an inspiration for all pregnant mommies-to-be out there!
[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 06, 2011 10:30am PDT