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Angry Indian Bride Marries A Guest After Her Groom Suffers A Seizure In The Middle Of Their Wedding!

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Such a turn of events!
A wedding in India did NOT go as planned and it all started when the groom Jugal Kishore, who is epileptic, had a seizure right in the middle of the couple’s ceremony and had to be taken to the hospital.
The Indian bride Indira from Rampur was reportedly super angry that the man she was literally in the middle of marrying had never said a word about his medical condition and promptly had a BIG change of her mind.
[ Related: This Bride Does NOT Mince Words Telling Off Parents In Crazy Wedding Anti-Invite! ]
She made an announcement to all of the wedding guests that the wedding would still take place, but there had been a change in plans and the bride would instead be marrying a man named Harpal Singh..
Who was there at that very wedding!
After the original groom Kishore woke up and went back to the wedding he pleaded with his former bride to change her mind, and when he realized his words weren’t working, many wedding guests became violent and used “spoons, plates and dishes” as weapons to try and convince her to reconsider!
However, the bride held steadfast in her decision to marry someone else, and the fighting families have since resolved their differences. Although someone did file a police complaint after the tumultuous wedding.
Local police official Ram Khiladi Solanki said:

“Both families have amicably resolved the matter. The complaints have been withdrawn. Kishore and his family have now returned in peace to Moradabad.”

Glad to hear that no one left there with TOO hard feelings although we can imagine the jilted groom is feeling a little certain kind of way these days!!!

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Feb 19, 2015 16:33pm PDT