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Jaden Smith Believes In Aliens!!! Thinks Obama Does Too!

jaden smith believes in aliens
Jaden Smith believes in extra terrestrial life. For real!
The young After Earth star is a sci-fi aficionado, and he has a very specific reason! He says:

“I like aliens! I think aliens are really cool, because they exist.”

Uh, come on, Will Smith! You have to tell your son that Men In Black dancing alien video was CGI!
But srsly, Jaden says he has a reliable source that confirms his faith- President Barack Obama! Jaden says:

“I talked to President Obama about extraterrestrials. He said he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of aliens, which means they├óΓé¼Γäóre real.
If people think we├óΓé¼Γäóre the only people that live in this universe, then something is wrong with them.”

The POTUS wouldn’t know about aliens! Didn’t Jaden see Independence Day?
Maybe there is intelligent life out there somewhere in the amazing and expanding universe, but we’re just going to back Obama on this one.
We can neither confirm nor deny it!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Apr 20, 2013 14:01pm PDT